Friday, September 17, 2010
Sappy Son of a Bitch
Yeah yeah, I know it's sappy, but it's how it goes sometimes. Besides I'm not really all that great with words so this is pretty much it. "Thinking of you" just sounds so hallmark, and I am not a hallmark guy. Anything else would just end up sounding too elaborate and confusing, thus the sketch.
I can also sketch a monster devouring someone, however I thought this might be a tad bit more romantical.
Yeah I know, I know. Patrick's got feelings. Just don't tell anyone.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Panda Punching
I don't normally make it a habit to punch woodland creatures. Especially the kind that can eat my face off, but it was to help motivate a friend: Get to work or the Panda gets it.
It's all for a good cause...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Banshee
This is an old image I've had in my head since I was very young. A Semi transparent apparition, in this case she might just be one of the supporting characters in the book. I call it book and it sounds so much more dignified then comic!
I still need to re define the face, but I find that the more detail I put into her, the further away from what I had in mind she becomes. I'm finding that leaving well enough alone serves me quite well from time to time.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Self Portrait Sketch
It's said that you're your own worst critic. Turns out you're your own worst model too. I apparently do nothing for myself. No inspiration at all. That's ok, I wasn't looking to be anyone's model anyhow, I'll just stick to being on this side of the drawing from now on!
This is just a sketch, didn't really feel the need to post a finished drawing or painting, sometimes a quick sloppy sketch is just what the doctor ordered.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Camlin Color

Finally! After sketching out this cast of characters for the past two years or so, I'm still only half way through with the penciling on the first issue. I know, I know. It's taking too long. I agree, but I'm STILL tweaking some of the characters looks. This guy here, Cam is pretty much set in stone though this marks the first time I've colored him. Can you believe he was blueish at first? I am still wanting to change his nose and teeth but forget it! It's good enough, I ain't looking for an Eisner award or anything. I should get on the ball and just finish the book(s), if left to my own devices I'd never stop tweaking and changing it like some lame George Lucas but with comics instead.
This charming cat here is Cam, a goblin with a penchant for petty theft and starting trouble. There's three main characters but I'm finding that as I fill out the supporting cast they're getting bigger and more interesting then the main three. Oh well that just means more stories and spin offs to write and draw.
And I'm on such a roll with the first one.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Late Night Swim
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Preventative Maintenance
Tough times indeed. Completely random happenings. People die all the time. Sometimes you can see it coming, other times you get no warning. You hear about it all the time, read about it somewhere, but someone you know? That's much more difficult to deal with.
Seems that's what going around now. I just heard a friend of mine died in his sleep. No warning, no chance to say goodbye. It just happened. Then I heard another friend lost her coworker. She had cancer though. But this was still unexpected. She was just diagnosed four weeks prior and was finishing up the first stage of treatment. She was doing well from what I heard, then she just died. That's how it happens. You just die. Unless of course you're ill and/or dying. Then you die a little each day. Another friend of mine has a grandmother in the hospital, she's dying. It'll happen and no one will be surprised, but there's still the loss. The empty space that a person, relative, coworker or loved one used to be. There's a million different ways to mourn and even someways that aren't mourning, but that's for another time. Just a week ago I was thinking of the whole losing someone you love thing. No matter how much you think you're prepared, you aren't. No matter how many times you've been through this, it doesn't get any easier. But while in the middle of all that I did write a post, just decided not to post it. Thought it might help to write it out, my eyes only kinda thing. Well in light of recent events, I thought perhaps I should post it. Even if it never gets read, just to have it out there. Who knows, after I die, next weekend or many many years from now, perhaps someone important will read it and smile. Or someone else will read it and get the message, maybe pass it along somehow...
Preventative Maintenance
We were in love.
So madly in love and I've never known anything so all encompassing before or since.
I used to say "I love you" with a kiss on the forehead while you were still sleeping as I left for work.
Just in case something horrible happened I wanted to say that at least I got to tell you I loved you before it was over.
Does it still count if you were asleep?
Does it still count if you didn't hear it?
Would you really ever know how much I loved you?
Did it change anything in the end?
Yes. It meant something to me, that's why I did it. And if something horrible had happened? It might have meant the world to you as well. So in the end, yes. It was all worth it.
Every little bit of it.
Seems that's what going around now. I just heard a friend of mine died in his sleep. No warning, no chance to say goodbye. It just happened. Then I heard another friend lost her coworker. She had cancer though. But this was still unexpected. She was just diagnosed four weeks prior and was finishing up the first stage of treatment. She was doing well from what I heard, then she just died. That's how it happens. You just die. Unless of course you're ill and/or dying. Then you die a little each day. Another friend of mine has a grandmother in the hospital, she's dying. It'll happen and no one will be surprised, but there's still the loss. The empty space that a person, relative, coworker or loved one used to be. There's a million different ways to mourn and even someways that aren't mourning, but that's for another time. Just a week ago I was thinking of the whole losing someone you love thing. No matter how much you think you're prepared, you aren't. No matter how many times you've been through this, it doesn't get any easier. But while in the middle of all that I did write a post, just decided not to post it. Thought it might help to write it out, my eyes only kinda thing. Well in light of recent events, I thought perhaps I should post it. Even if it never gets read, just to have it out there. Who knows, after I die, next weekend or many many years from now, perhaps someone important will read it and smile. Or someone else will read it and get the message, maybe pass it along somehow...
Preventative Maintenance
We were in love.
So madly in love and I've never known anything so all encompassing before or since.
I used to say "I love you" with a kiss on the forehead while you were still sleeping as I left for work.
Just in case something horrible happened I wanted to say that at least I got to tell you I loved you before it was over.
Does it still count if you were asleep?
Does it still count if you didn't hear it?
Would you really ever know how much I loved you?
Did it change anything in the end?
Yes. It meant something to me, that's why I did it. And if something horrible had happened? It might have meant the world to you as well. So in the end, yes. It was all worth it.
Every little bit of it.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Ink Bottle
Sometimes it's best not to force it. I worked on this one for three hours. Is this the result of three hours work? Of course not. I can't tell you how many things this particular sketch was at different points. After a long while I just said "screw it" and did whatever. This is the result.
I'm trying not to over think things, but I am SO retouching this one up!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I don't really know what possessed me to sketch Edgar Allan Poe, but here he is in all his emo gloominess. Don't get me wrong, I really do like Poe. I've always felt sorry for him actually. He died, penniless and destitute. He was an alcoholic and I was under the impression it was the unhappy kind of drinking not the hang out at the bar with the guys kinda drinking. His father left him when he was very young and his mother died shortly thereafter. He was taken in by another family but never actually adopted. I used to wonder if he was the child they hid in the attic when company came over. Once he left home, he never looked back. I don't think he ever contacted them again. Which is probably a good thing seeing as how the wedding to his 13 year old cousin would have been quite awkward when the fam got together. But don't worry about that particular union, she died 12 years later, just when she was probably hitting her prime. Poor guy. He later died of unknown causes and some people say it was due to a number of factors including but not limited to: alcohol, brain congestion, cholera, drugs, heart disease, tuberculosis, rabies, and other agents. Rabies?!? Some have said it may have been suicide, but I think that's just a thought reflected from his writing. If it WAS suicide it was probably more like a Leaving Las Vegas kinda suicide, but that really wasn't too hard back in those days. You could catch anything anywhere and pretty much everything was fatal.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sketchy Color
Here's the full color piece. I'm a big fan of the painted look, but I'm not quite where I want to be with it, besides, I LOVE the sketch look. The rougher the image looks, the better. That and my penchant for comic style art usually wins out. But I'm happy with this mix of painted colors and simple sketched line art.

Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Day One!
Well I've done it once again. Created something in hopes of me either writing or drawing on a regular basis. Looking back, reading this particular post I should either be very proud of my progress or very disappointed. And now I have to get ready and leave for work.
This is SO not looking good so far.
This is SO not looking good so far.
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