Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I don't really know what possessed me to sketch Edgar Allan Poe, but here he is in all his emo gloominess. Don't get me wrong, I really do like Poe. I've always felt sorry for him actually. He died, penniless and destitute. He was an alcoholic and I was under the impression it was the unhappy kind of drinking not the hang out at the bar with the guys kinda drinking. His father left him when he was very young and his mother died shortly thereafter. He was taken in by another family but never actually adopted. I used to wonder if he was the child they hid in the attic when company came over. Once he left home, he never looked back. I don't think he ever contacted them again. Which is probably a good thing seeing as how the wedding to his 13 year old cousin would have been quite awkward when the fam got together. But don't worry about that particular union, she died 12 years later, just when she was probably hitting her prime. Poor guy. He later died of unknown causes and some people say it was due to a number of factors including but not limited to: alcohol, brain congestion, cholera, drugs, heart disease, tuberculosis, rabies, and other agents. Rabies?!? Some have said it may have been suicide, but I think that's just a thought reflected from his writing. If it WAS suicide it was probably more like a Leaving Las Vegas kinda suicide, but that really wasn't too hard back in those days. You could catch anything anywhere and pretty much everything was fatal.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sketchy Color

Here's the full color piece. I'm a big fan of the painted look, but I'm not quite where I want to be with it, besides, I LOVE the sketch look. The rougher the image looks, the better. That and my penchant for comic style art usually wins out. But I'm happy with this mix of painted colors and simple sketched line art.

Monday, July 26, 2010


It's just a sketch and I'm not sure quite where I'm going with it so this should be fun to see how it ends up.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day One!

Well I've done it once again. Created something in hopes of me either writing or drawing on a regular basis. Looking back, reading this particular post I should either be very proud of my progress or very disappointed. And now I have to get ready and leave for work.
This is SO not looking good so far.